Lives Foundation
those underserved,
communities and
children and families in the Greater Boston metropolitan area by providing the connections, education and resources they need to succeed.
At Lives Foundation, we believe in the power of community. Our core focus is to serve men, women, and children, providing them a chance to overcome financial burdens that may lead to poverty and homelessness due to a lack of opportunities and resources. We are dedicated to empowering individuals through training and education, leading to employment opportunities. We support families with hygiene health and help provide proper nutrition to fight hunger and malnutrition. We are here to inspire and motivate individuals to take control of their lives and build a better future through the resources and attention provided to those needing a helping hand.
A world where everyone has the support and resources they need to thrive, not just survive.
Jose Rodriguez
I was born in the Dominican Republic into a poor and needy family with no financial literacy and no opportunity for resources. I remember my parents leaving me at a young age to pursue a better life in the USA. Rejoining my parents after some time, I noticed that my father was hardly home because he worked as a cab driver. Only when I was older did I understand that we were a family struggling to make ends meet. My mother had many responsibilities. Apart from work, my mother cared for me and the household, trying very hard to maintain order despite the financial burdens. I also learned that my mother had to care for her parents back in the Dominican Republic, and I realized how much of a caring, giving, and hard-working person my mother was, who never complained despite the challenges. The impact of the constant struggle my parents went through, like worrying about eviction and not having rent money, left me with memories that I can never forget.
Through my time in New York, I realized that my family was not singled out in suffering; other people suffered, too. My passion for helping others became self-evident when I saw the homeless roaming the streets without food to eat or proper clothes to wear. I saw how the effect of changes in the seasons, like harsh winter weather, affected them. I saw very clearly the struggle of poverty and the suffering one goes through when homeless, and with it being in front of my face constantly as a child, it inspired me to want to help others. I decided that when I grew up, I wanted to assist others. I still had these dreams in mind when I grew up, but the more time passed and the responsibilities I had, the less realistic my dream seemed. Nonetheless, I felt a calling to help others. Today, I now find this dream being realized through Lives Foundation, and since childhood, my passion and commitment have been unwavering.
I feel accomplished and fulfilled when I give a beacon of hope to others and provide the underserved with resources, ultimately allowing people and their families to become self-sufficient and start a road to generational change. The years have passed, and I have helped many people worldwide by donating supplies and supporting organizations with the same values as Lives Foundation. Feeling that I could do more, I established Lives Foundation in 2020, a non-profit impacting the Greater Boston metro area.
As an authentic supplier of hope, I look forward to growing our initiatives and expanding our impact geographically to help people succeed.
Kayla Naveo
I have witnessed and experienced firsthand what it is to offer help. Growing up in a family of six, I saw my parents' generous hearts throughout the years, helping others, even in the smallest ways, stretching the little they had with love and care. Whether monetarily, emotionally, financially, moral support, or nutrition, I learned through the example of my parents to help while being welcoming, caring, compassionate, and hospitable.
I felt a calling to help and truly be there for people in any way possible, personally assisting friends, family, and local community members. My husband and I have assisted families financially with deposits for new apartments and bought groceries for different families, friends, and even people we barely knew to prevent them from experiencing food insecurity. I have personally helped others by setting up doctor appointments, translating medical information, electing medical benefits, and finding employment.
When I help, I want to ensure that the person on the other end feels esteemed, dignified, and empowered. When I help, I want to ensure that the recipient not only receives the resources but also an extension of my heart. I am here to listen and provide for the needs of others while showing that I truly care.
I am proud to be a part of Lives Foundation as we support, impact and empower those that are underserved and in need of help in our community.
It's funding a brighter future.
Lives Foundation uses donations to support, impact and empower communities through Training, Education, Hygiene Health, and Nutrition, helping families and children overcome struggles with timely resources.
Generous contributions from individuals, families, authorities, and corporations are vital for Lives Foundation's Programs. Regardless of size, your support helps alleviate poverty. We ensure effective use of your donations through strict transparency and monitoring.
Lives Foundation’s vocational training and educational programs offer immediate relief and plant seeds for a brighter future. Funded by your donations, these programs prepare financially disadvantaged youth for success, benefiting future generations.
Your support unlocks potential and creates lasting positive impacts on the community.
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